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This database records the workflow of all correspondence addressed to Ministers received in the Department

Representations on TWA Order applications

Letters and e-mails expressing views on applications for Transport and Works Act (TWA) Orders. These include names and addresses and sometimes phone nos.

Press Notice Distribution Data

Press Notice Distribution data. Name, email address, postal address, telephone number. Organisation, subject interest.

Exceptional Hardship Scheme

Name, address, property details, personal circumstances, finances, medical information

Access control database

Database of staff name, office address and photograph.


List of all Commander Maritime Reserves (COMMARRES) HQ permanent staff and address/tel numbers.

Sheep and Goats annual inventory

Records of the number of sheep and goats kept on individual premises and the purpose they are kept for e.g. meat, wool, dairy etc. Additional information held includes the County Parish Holding...

Contact Databases

Staff details including addresses and telephone numbers

British Superbike competition data

British Superbike (BSB) competition entry data collected at individual BSB race meetings. Name, email address, home address, telephone number.Data collection ceased.

Navy News subscriber database

Navy News - names and addresses of subscribers.

Honours data

Nomination and citation for an Honour: includes name, dob, service info, previous honours + submissions, nationality, address, postcode, telephone. Nomination and citation for Gallantry and Long...

Sharp Website Registrations Data

Sharp Website allows for users to register their details for updates. Names, addresses and email addresses held.

Dept for Communities and Local Government INSPIRE OGC WMS Service

DCLG's INSPIRE OGC WMS Service under the terms of the the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE...

Dept for Communities and Local Government INSPIRE OGC WFS Service

DCLG's INSPIRE OGC WFS Service under the terms of the the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE...

World Explorer Premium

More detailed (than standard ESRI GIS) mapping data for the world

Voluntary Adoption Survey

The aim of the voluntary quarterly adoption survey is to collect data which will add to and complement the data currently collected through the annual data collection. This data will be used to...

HSL Map Layers

National Population Dataset including national infrastructure

Green Deal incentives and segmentation survey

Survey of consumers attitides to various aspects of green deal. Includes a conjoint component and segmentation

Energy Follow Up Survey (EFUS) Matching files - 2 datasets

Look up key between various EFUS datasts

UK Postal Boundaries

Mapping data for postal boundaries