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156 results found

Number of deaths under 75 (all causes)

Data showing the number of deaths in Plymouth under 75 due to all causes.

Household Information

Data showing household information including: central heating; occupancy rating; average household size and the average number of rooms and bedrooms.

Companies with Breastfeeding Charter Mark

Data showing a list of locations of companies that are accredited with the Breastfeeding Charter Mark.

Domestic Energy Consumption

Data showing the counts and average consumption of domestic energy consumption in Plymouth.

Lifetime Homes

Data showing the percentage of Lifetime Homes approved.

Crowdfund Plymouth - overview

An overview of crowdfund plymouth by financial year.

Mortality rate per 10,000 of people with cancer, CHD, COPD and stroke for years - 2011-2013

Data showing Mortality rate per 10,000 of people with cancer, CHD, COPD and stroke for years - 2011-2013

General Health

Data showing the general health of Plymouth's residents.

Alcohol related admissions 10,000 people 2013-14

Alcohol related admissions 10,000 people - Plymouth - 2013-14

Percentage Adult Population That Eat Healthy - Plymouth - 2006-2008

Data showing the Percentage Adult Population That Eat Healthy 2006-2008

Playing Pitches

Data showing various details on the playing pitches in Plymouth.

Household profiles

Data showing household information in Plymouth including central heating, occupancy rating, average household size and average number of rooms and bedrooms

Empty homes brought back into use

Data showing the number of empty homes brought back into use in Plymouth (2006 to 2015)

National Identity

Data showing how people in Plymouth identify themselves by nationality.


Data showing the industries Plymouth residents worked in.

Plymouth City Council compliments and complaints

Data showing the amount of compliments and complaints received by Plymouth City Council's planning (now Strategic Planning and Infrastructure) department

Marital and Civil Partnership Status

Data showing marital and civil partnership status in Plymouth.

Year of arrival to UK

Data showing the year in which foreign born Plymouth residents arrived in the UK.

Stalled planning sites

Details of the lapsed or stalled planning applications in Plymouth City Council. Data spans 2006 to 2016.

Occupation Classification

Data showing occupations by classification in Plymouth.