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180 results found

NI 146 - Adults with learning disabilities in employment

Adults with learning disabilities: All adults aged 18-69 with learning disabilities that are known to Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) helped into employment Source:...

NI 014 - Avoidable contact: the proportion of customer contact that is of low or no value to the customer the council failing to do something or do something right for the customer

The indicator will measure the total number of customer contacts against the total number of resolved customer requests, expressed as a percentage. Source: Cabinet Office (CO) Publisher: DCLG...

GPS customer mailing lists

Lists of customers and stakeholders that are communicated to by GPS and business teams

Govt construction strategy strategic supplier data

Strategic supplier performance data to allow continuous improvement across government projects

Transparency Agenda Governance Structure

A map of all of the bodies and organisations involved in the government transparency agenda and the relationships between them.

Stakeholder management and mailing lists

Lists of customers and stakeholders that are communicated to by the Procurement Policy & Capability Team

GPS OJEU Sourcing performance turnaround times

Monthly average turnaround times of OJEU procurements carried out by by GPS (from advert to contract award)

GPS operational risk registers

Operational risks that are being actively managed

Social Impact Bonds Centre for SIBs mailing list

Includes name, organisation, and contact details of national and international stakeholders with an interest in SIBs.

GPS operational project delivery plans

Project plans that are used to deliver GPS business

Spend analytics data

Analysis of departmental procurement spend extracted from departmental accounts payable data

Investment and Contract Readiness Fund ? funded organisations

List of all successful investee applicants to the ICRF since inception.

GPS benefits and savings performance

Methodologies and calculations of benefits and savings

Departmental L&D data

Departmental data on L&D spend, activity and staff

Campaign for Youth Social Action

Hard Launch of decade now called -- data consists of a list of organisation grant recipients announced with grant values.

Prime supplier contract data

Data on classroom events

Strike Action

The numbers of Civil Servants on strike by department on days where Cross-Civil Service industrial action is taken

GPS employee spending on business related travel

Business-related travel details of GPS employees

List of meetings with Trade Unions on pensions reform

A list is held of dates of meetings with Trade Unions on pensions reform since September 2011

Official hospitality at Chevening

Details of those that received official hospitality at Chevening (with regard to the DPM?s use of Chevening)