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Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Senior officials’ business expenses and hospitalityFCDO’s senior officials’ travel expenses, July to September 2022

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Senior Officials Name Start date of trip Duration of Visit (Days) Destination Purpose of trip Mode of transport Class of travel Accommodation/Meals (£) Other (including hospitality given) Total cost, including all visas, accommodation, travel, meals etc. (£) Total Cost of Use of Official Secure Car
Adnan Qadir Khan 03/07/2022 4 Muscat, Oman To attend the UK-Oman Strategic Advisory Group and external engagements with BE Muscat Air Economy 549.62 0 1480.62 Nil return
Adnan Qadir Khan 24/07/2022 5 Amman, Jordan Discussions on economic development and reform with BE Amman and BE Sanaa Air Economy 1099.1 0 2174.17 Nil return
Adrian Blundell 13/07/2022 2 London, UK Attending Ministerial and other internal meetings Air Economy 219.3 0 336.12 Nil return
Adrian Blundell 15/08/2022 3 London, UK Five Eyes (FVEY) collaboroation and related meetings Air Economy 350.5 0 680.28 Nil return