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Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Senior officials’ business expenses and hospitalityFCDO's senior officials' travel expenses, October to December 2022

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Senior Officials Name Start date of trip Duration of Visit (Days) Destination Purpose of trip Mode of transport Class of travel Accommodation/Meals (£) Other (including hospitality given) Total cost, including all visas, accommodation, travel, meals etc. (£) Total Cost of Use of Official Secure Car
Adnan Khan 04/10/2022 3 Stockholm, Sweden Attended 2022 Misum Forum, Stockholm School of Economics Air Economy £54.52 £0.00 £85.26 N/A
Adnan Khan 09/10/2022 6 New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore India Meetings with stakeholders and Indian counterparts to discuss economic growth strategy and prospects Air Economy £1,539.39 £0.00 £3,255.31 N/A
Adnan Khan 13/11/2022 14 Bangkok, Thailand; Vientiane and Luang Prabang, Laos; Hanoi, Can Tho, Hoi Chi Minh, Vietnam; Phnom Penh, Cambodia To discuss regional development barriers and collaboration between the four respective governments Air; Taxi; Rail Business; Economy £1,560.21 £0.00 £5,648.92 N/A
Adnan Khan 18/12/2022 3 Kingston, Jamaica Attended Y-RISE conference Air Economy £55.83 £0.00 £55.83 N/A